Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Homemade Family

Ellie Faye Watts came to me November 21, 2008. She will be 1 yr old on August 31. We had a good life. It was boring at times - but she is one crazy kitten. Seriously. Climbs walls. But loves to be around me at all times and sleeps at the top of my pillow. She claws at my fingers/hands from up under my pillow when its time to wake up (I have the scratches/scars to prove it.)

When Mother passed away on November 26, she was a real distraction from the pains of life... death. She went with me to Nashville for December and by the end started to get used to the other cats and knew to stay upstairs away from Kaiser (my dad's 110 lb German Shephard.)

I came home and it just wasn't enough. Not that Ellie wasn't enough - but I needed s'one/s'thing to come home to - to need me. As my dad says - "Dogs have owners, Cats have slaves." I wouldn't say Ellie is THAT bad, but really, as a cat - she doesn't NEED me. And I can't take her out for walks & to mingle with other pets.

So, on January 17, 2008, our family was completed with Bella Blue Watts. Her birthday is November 24. Which means she was being born about the time I was getting Ellie! The Humane Society & the vet say she's part Border Collie & some sort of "sporting" dog b/c of her spots on her face - I'm telling myself she's part English Springer :-)

So now the excitement begins. The girls get along well. Bella cries when Ellie & I aren't both in the room with her. We're working really hard on potty training. She stays in her crate while I'm at work and some nights when I don't trust her....As I've tried the whole sleeping with me thing a few times - a few of those times have been lucky and a few of those times have left little yellow stains on my comforter/blanket...

We've already been to the ER Vet - for what luckily wasn't PARVO and the regular vet a few times for shots and such.

So in the meantime - watch for more *exciting* updates. But for now, here's some pics.



  1. Hey Carly! Just found your blog! It's great!! I look forward to keepin up with you!!

    I had NO idea about your mom...I'm so sorry.

  2. HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO??? Are you ever going to blog again???
